
ESOP – Constitution

  1. Name
    The name of the Society shall be the European Society of Oncology Pharmacy, hereby known as ESOP.
  2. Financial Year
    The financial year shall be the calendar year.
  3. Aim
    The aim of ESOP is to support optimal treatment for cancer patients.
  4. Objectives
    4.1. to develop and promote clinical and oncology pharmacy practice through:
    – education and training
    – safe handling and administration of drugs
    – quality management
    – research and development
    – pharmaceutical care
    4.2. To make information on knowledge and achievements in cancer treatment and activities available to the public.
    4.3. To spread the information by publications, professional activities as well as educational lectures an seminars.
    4.4. To promote communication and knowledge exchange between hospital, community and other professionals in the field of oncology pharmacy.
  5. Membership
    5.1. Membership can be granted to European oncology pharmacy practitioners and others willing to pursue the aim and the objectives of ESOP.
    5.2. The ESOP as federation is based on national groups or associations for oncology pharmacy in Europe and any other country worldwide.
    5.3. The national groups or associations shall pay a fee for each of their members. The fee to be paid shall be decided upon by the delegate assembly
    5.4. For countries without a formal national based association which officially is recognised to represent Oncology Pharmacy, the ESOP Delegate Assembly (DA) will name and adopt delegates as liaison officers for the upcoming 3 years.
    5.5. Individual membership is possible for those who are willing to pursue the aim and the objectives of ESOP, after approval on a case-by-case basis by the Board. Individual members shall pay a fee.
  6. The delegate assembly
    6.1. The delegate assembly is the highest organ of ESOP, open for all delegates, liaisons and individual members.
    6.2. The delegate assembly shall be held at least every three years, with the Board deciding the exact date.
    6.3. Notice in writing of the date together with an agenda of the delegate assembly shall be sent to all delegates not less than thirty days prior to the date fixed for the meeting.
    6.4. Every EU country and every non-EU country has the right to announce a delegate as a representative member of the delegate assembly.
    6.5. Liaison delegates and individual members from EU countries and from non-EU countries have the same rights and duties as all other delegates. They can become elected as officers of ESOP; an active voting will only be recognised but not counted.
    6.6 .The members of the delegate assembly shall make decisions under legal EU condition by majority rule on the base of one country one vote.
    6.7. Election of the Board shall be held at the delegate assembly, at least every 3 years
  7. The Board
    7.1. The Board shall consist of a minimum of three persons, as follows:
    (i)     President
    (ii)    Vice-President
    (iii)   Secretary
    7.2. Decisions of the Board shall be made unanimously.
    7.3. The Board shall be responsible for the management of the Society and shall carry out all decisions made by the delegate assembly
  8. Change of constitution
    The constitution of ESOP may be changed by a three-quarters majority of those present at a delegate assembly.
  9. Dissolution
    The ESOP may be dissolved by a three-quarter majority of all delegates.
  10. Liquidation
    The members of the Board shall carry out the liquidation.

Hamburg, 01/27/2006

Robert Terkola
Isabelle Glorieux
Irena Netiková
Czech Republic
Vesna Pavlica
S. Theophanous-Kitiri
Eva Honore
Klaus Meier
Ioanna Saratsiotou
Franca Goffredo
Camille Groos
Agnes Jarmolovicz
Jerzy Lazwoski
Monica Sonc
Monique Ackermann
Per Hartwig